遗传算法是 a PreK-12, coed, nonsectarian day school in 华盛顿堡 PA



较低的学校 Library and Learning Commons


DESIGN a Library and Learning Commons to NURTURE the love for reading, 激发创造力, ENCOURAGE collaboration and INSTILL the spirit of innovation in 十大体育外围平台排名 students.

Completely funded by community support, construction of the new 较低的学校 A to Z Library and Learning Commons was completed in September 2019, in conjunction with the beginning of the 较低的学校's 60th anniversary in Fort Washington.

“We have provided a space which supports traditional library activities, while greatly enhancing opportunity for collaboration and interactive learning.”

— Sue Szczepkowski, Head of 较低的学校



The new design supports an educational shift from a traditional library model to a learning-centered model. A traditional library focuses on the collection with space designed to support mostly individual activity. A learning-centered model focuses on the student and is designed to blend traditional library resources with dynamic space to engage learners in both the independent and collaborative experiences of exploration and learning.

The 较低的学校 is delighted with...

  • An open, flexible, bright and airy space designed to take advantage of 500 additional square feet
  • The ability to accommodate multiple classes and programs simultaneously throughout the day
  • Student performance space and public exhibition of work
  • Enhancements to reading, writing, research and public speaking activities
  • A dedicated media studio
  • A community hub (an indoor quad) to serve students, faculty and families
  • Additional recess and after-school options and programs
  • Quiet and comfortable spaces to fall in love with reading
  • Expanded programming opportunities in technology and inquiry-based learning and research
  • Space for workshops and meetings to further partner with families in school life


“The new A to Z Library and Learning Commons is the centerpiece of the 较低的学校 and instantly showcased what we stand for as a school.”

— Rich Schellhas, Head of School



十大体育外围平台排名 is so pleased that several areas of the new spaces in 较低的学校 have been named by generous donors. We have a few more gift opportunities available. Please contact Brooke Record at 布鲁克.记录@germantownacademy.org or 267-405-7212 if you are interested in learning more about how you can support GA with a gift. Gifts can be payable over multiple years.


  • LS学校办公室主任
  • 城市广场
  • 书店
  • 爱国者散步


  • LS Assistant Head of School Office
  • 心理学家办事处


  • Third Grade Classrooms (2)
  • 四年级教室
  • 大堂酒廊


  • 学习的房间
