遗传算法是 a PreK-12, coed, nonsectarian day school in 华盛顿堡 PA



十大体育外围平台排名 Class of 2025 McNeil Patriot Scholars Announced

安东尼·霍尔25岁, 金建娜,25岁, Jazziah Manning 25岁, 和 艾迪·麦克格蒂根,25岁 were each awarded the McNeil Patriot Scholarship Award during Friday morning's 11th grade/12th grade Prize Day ceremony in the 艺术 Center. They were awarded their McNeil Patriot Scholar jackets by the current McNeil Patriot Scholars: Lucas Philip '24, 安吉·王,24岁, Elaine Li 24岁, 安德烈·瓦瓦24岁.

The McNeil Patriot Scholarship Award is awarded to two boys 和 two girls in the junior class 谁 have built an uncompromised reputation in the following areas: leadership, 个人品格和行为, 奖学金, 和 full engagement in the extracurricular life of the school. The Patriot Scholars will assume active leadership roles in the GA community. The four awards are named in honor of four legendary GA educators.

彼得·比格斯(1760): 谁的历史教学 和 unyielding ethical values inspired a love of learning 和 a respect for 奖学金 和 discipline in a generation of GA students, 和 谁se service as Assistant Head of the School, at that difficult time of transition when GA was establishing itself in 华盛顿堡 was a model of unselfish devotion to the needs of the larger community.


弗吉尼亚百丽日1760年: 谁se teaching of English 和 drama, 和 谁se warmth of personality, inspired a love of learning 和 a love of school in a generation of GA students, 和 谁se leadership as the first Dean of Girls made possible the successful transition of 十大体育外围平台排名 from an all boys to a fully coeducational institution.


Suzanne Baird Perot 1760: 谁, as the school's first psychologist, 和 as an English teacher in the 上学校, 共享, 有一代学生, 老师, 和父母, her extensive knowledge of how students learn, 人际关系如何发展, 和 why good stories 和 good writing matter, 和, 谁, as Dean of the 教师 和 Studies, 提供安静, 稳定的, but passionate in-school leadership that helped create 和 achieve ambitious Strategic Plans in 1992 和 in 1997 that enhanced the school=s reputation for educational excellence 和 entrepreneurial spirit.

Jazziah Manning 25岁

E. 丹尼尔斯·兰金1760: 谁的历史教学, especially his creation of the course on Civil Liberties, inspired a love of learning 和 the development of a social conscience in a generation of GA students, 和 谁se signature role as the founding Dean of the 教师 symbolized the full emergence of the Academy=s focused desire to establish professional st和ards for the hiring of faculty 和 for overseeing their professional growth 和 personal well-being.
